Pedestrian Council of Australia
Safety – Amenity – Access – Health



Walk to work day

Tasmanian businesses, both big and small, are being urged to keep the State at the top of national awareness figures for the Pedestrian Council of Australia's annual National Walk to Work Day on Friday 2 October.

After last year's Walk to Work Day, an independent survey revealed that Tasmania had Australia's highest levels of awareness and participation rates.

The research found 91 per cent of Hobart business people were aware of WTWD (up from 74 per cent in 2007), and in Launceston that figure was 89 per cent (80 per cent in 2007).

The event encourages regular walking to improve health and contribute to a cleaner environment.

Tasmanian corporations, organisations and government agencies are being asked to support the initiative by registering online at as a corporate ambassador.

The initiative aims to promote the physical, mental and social benefits of walking, along with the environmental benefits associated with reduced fuel consumption.

Specifically, the event is designed to:

  • Promote regular walking as a healthy activity (better physical, mental & social health).
  • Reduce reliance on the private motor vehicle (reduce car-dependency).
  • Promote and improve the use of public transport (less traffic).
  • Improve air quality by reducing unnecessary vehicle emissions (help tackle climate change and reduce global warming).

Moderate physical activity including walking (even 15 minutes before and after work each day) can significantly enhance well-being, productivity and reduce absenteeism.

There is overwhelming evidence that physical inactivity increases all causes of mortality, doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity and increases the risks of certain cancers, high blood pressure, lipid disorders, osteoporosis, depression and anxiety.

If people are unable to walk all of the way to work, they are encouraged to use public transport and then walk at least one kilometre to their workplace.

Corporate ambassadors are being asked, where possible, to host a healthy breakfast for employees who participate in the event, which will help to promote regular walking and the importance of a healthy diet.

Pedestrian Council of Australia chairman Harold Scruby said senior executive support was vital to maintain and improve the National Walk to Work Day program.

"We are challenging Australia's employers and senior managers to register their companies and organisations as Walk to Work Day ambassadors," he said.

"There is no commitment involved, other than a pledge to encourage staff members to walk more and participate in Walk to Work Day on Friday 2 October".

For more information and to sign up as a corporate ambassador visit