Mobile Matt leaves car in garage
Brisbane South-West News
Wednesday 3 October 2001

UNIVERSITY of Queensland lecturer Matt Burke will be pounding the pavement as part of the Walk to Work Day on Friday.
But it won’t be a new experience for the Fairfield resident, who makes the trek, via the Dutton Park ferry, to St Lucia every day.
“It’s a pretty good walk, I get to work feeling brighter, and clearer, and certainly not as stressed, as if I drove,” Mr Burke said.
He said his wife had also taken up the walking bug, prompting the couple to sell one of their two cars.
“We’ve really seen the difference in the financial side of things, but it’s also just a great start to the day to walk and take the ferry… I really feel blessed some days,” he said.
The Walk to Work Day is an initiative of the Pedestrian Council of Australia and is supported by the National Heart Foundation.
The two organisations are urging people to leave their cars at home and walk or take public transport to work.