Western australians being urged TO WALK TO WORK TO BATTLE THE BULGE
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in the past decade, obesity in
As well as preventing obesity, walking regularly also reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. Plus, walking, instead of driving helps prevent climate change by reducing greenhouse pollution.
Registering for Walk to Work Day costs just $20. Each registration supports four of
Organiser of the event, Mr Harold Scruby said: “The incidence of obesity in
Local residents have got to get to work somehow, so why not make it count? By walking more, you’ll enjoy better physical, mental and social health and help the environment.
“If it’s too far to walk, please use public transport and get off a few stops early. If you must use the car, try parking it a good distance away from work and walking the rest of the way.” he said.
Registrations for Walk to Work Day are open now at www.walk.com.au.
Employers are asked to support employees who pledge to walk on the day, by paying the $20 registration fee for each walker who walks at least one kilometre on Friday 5 October. Businesses and councils are also invited to Host Healthy Breakfasts, as endorsed by leading nutritionist, Dr Rosemary Stanton. For menu suggestions and more information about the event visit www.walk.com.au
1. ABS Australian Social Trends, 2007 Released 07/08/2007 https://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/abs@.nsf/Latestproducts/4DE3C28315518DCECA25732C002074E4?opendocument
Walk to Work Day is supported by the Australian Government and all State, Territory and Local Governments.
It is also supported by the Heart Foundation, Cancer Council, Diabetes
the Australian Conservation Foundation.
For assistance with photo shoots in your local area –
Please contact:
Cath Sutherland
PR Manager Walk to Work Day –
Ph: 0403 000 202
Email cath@bigfishsolutions.net