Car-less... Godfrey Bigot gets out
of his car to promote
Walk to Work DayManly Mayor Sue Sacker will be putting her best foot forward by walking to work and urging fellow councillors to join her on Friday, October 9, 1998.
Also taking part will be Manly Council's general manager, Wayne Collins, an avid collector of Porsches, who will make the long journey from Seaforth on foot. Premier Bob Carr has declared he is going to change his name to Bob Walker for the day and is launching the event.
Mr Bigot said: "I think it is a bit silly going around changing your name. Walking is okay for poor people but it is not something I do too often. I'll only be walking 50 or 60m, I don't want to overdo it, I start coughing up these black blobs and they stain my shirt."
RATHER than putting his foot in it, Godfrey Bigot is taking a step in the right direction by helping to promote Walk to Work Day.
Not usually concerned with health or environmental issues, the cigar-puffing councillor's motives are being eyed with suspicion.
"Sure, I don't mind walking for one day out of the year," he said, "It's an opportunity to get the Mercedes tuned. "But I must say I don't quite see the point in it. I mean nobody has ever proved exercise is good for you, if you are sick it makes you worse and if you are healthy you don't need it. That is my policy on exercise. If God had wanted us to walk he'd have given us four legs."
Walk to Work Day hopes to entice the community out of their cars to walk or take public transport to work.
Manly council is hosting a special breakfast sausage sizzle at 7:30am outside the council offices, at the corner of Belgrave St and the Corso, for those who take the healthy option for Walk to Work Day on October 9.
And should Mr Bigot need help a GP will be on hand to provide information about walking for fitness.
There will also be information available from Manly Environmental Centre and walking clubs.
In recognition of the day, employers will be encouraged to be more flexible on start and finish times and more lenient on dress codes and acceptable footware.
by CHRISTINA SALZANO Photo: Simon Cocksedge