Pedestrian Council of Australia
Safety – Amenity – Access – Health


Media Release

Monday 4 September 2006
Walk to Work Day 2006

WHAT:        Walk to Work Day 2006


WHEN:             Friday 6 October, 2006


WHY:                - Regular walking can lift your mood, aid uninterrupted sleep, increase energy, decrease fatigue and lead to an improved sense of wellbeing.


- Walking is one of the cheapest forms of exercise yet is an effective way

to include regular activity in your daily routine.


- According to beyondblue, regular exercise like walking can lead to a 50% reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety.


- Walking instead of driving the car can help you beat increased petrol prices.


- Walking to public transport, instead of driving the car can also help you beat increased petrol prices. Try getting off several stops ahead of your destination so you can use "active transport" as part of your daily physical activity program.


- If you must drive, try leaving the car a kilometre or two from work and walk the rest of the way.


HOW:               To get involved, join thousands of Australians and simply Walk to Work on Friday 6 October.


Organisations, businesses, councils and various departments are encouraged to also hold Walk to Work Day Healthy Breakfasts.


To find out how to organize your own Walk to Work Day Healthy Breakfast, contact <INSERT STATE PR’s DETAILS> or, visit




Walk to Work Day is an initiative of the Pedestrian Council of Australia (PCA). It is sponsored by the Australian Government and supported by each State and Territory Government.

For more information about Walk to Work Day, visit