Media Release
Research shows that in some cases walking can be as effective as medication in
combating depression
beyondblue CEO Leonie Young says: “In some cases, regular exercise like walking can be as effective as medication in alleviating mild to moderate depression.”
“Studies show that regular exercise including walking also helps to prevent depression and beat low mood, anxiety and stress. In older adults, it can even improve memory and clear thinking.
“Around one million Australians experience depression at any one time, yet many are undiagnosed and don’t get the help they need. Untreated depression is a major risk for suicide, especially in men.
“The value of regular exercise to overall health and well-being is sometimes underestimated. Regular exercise contributes to both good physical and mental health, so walking every day is a great idea. But if you can’t do it every day, make an effort on Walk to Work Day, this Friday 6 October,” Ms Young said.
beyondblue joins other health organisations like the Heart Foundation and Cancer Council to call on all Australians to join in Walk to Work Day this Friday, 6 October.
Walk to Work Day is an annual, national initiative of the Pedestrian Council of Australia designed to raise awareness of the positive health benefits of walking and to encourage the community to ‘make time to walk everyday’.
PCA Chairman, Harold Scruby says: “Walking not only helps beat the blues, it’s also a cheap and easy way to battle the bulge. Plus it helps the environment.
“You’ve got to get to work somehow, why not walk?” he said.
The aims of Walk to Work Day are: to promote walking as a great mode of transport and healthy activity; to reduce reliance on cars; to promote the use of public transport and to improve air quality by reducing unnecessary vehicle emissions. In simpler terms promoting Better Health - Cleaner Air - Less Traffic and Improved Transport!
On Walk to Work Day all Australians are encouraged to leave their cars at home and combine walking with public transport to travel to and from work.
Walk to Work Day is an initiative of the Pedestrian Council of
Walk to Work Day is also supported by the Heart Foundation, Diabetes
For more information about Walk to Work Day, visit
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