Friday 1 October 2010


Thursday 30 September 2010

Walk to Work Day in the capital

Tomorrow morning thousands of Canberrans will be taking to the streets for National Walk to Work Day and the Pedestrian Council of Australia is hoping all local drivers will be on high alert with so much extra foot traffic on our roads.
There has been a huge response from the Canberra community this year with over 40 government departments and local companies getting involved. Her Excellency Quentin Bryce will be leading by example with a walk to work from Government House, and there will also be a special series of activities in Garema Place to congratulate those who step up to the walking challenge. 
With so many people expected to hit the pavement tomorrow, Pedestrian Council of Australia Chairman Harold Scruby is calling on all Canberra drivers to be extra careful and keep an eye out for pedestrians, particularly during the peak hour rush.
“This year’s Walk to Work Day is shaping up to be the biggest yet in Canberra, with everyone from the Governor-General to small businesses getting involved,” Mr Scruby said.
“We want everyone who takes part tomorrow to have fun and stay safe, so we hope all drivers will be careful and courteous when it comes to pedestrians. Maybe leave for work a few minutes early to cater for the extra foot traffic, or even better¾leave the car at home and join them!”
The Governor General will be starting her day with a walk from Government House at 9.30am, while Garema Place will come alive with activities at lunchtime to thank all those taking part in the day. The Pedestrian Council of Australia has teamed up with Canberra CBD to create a special Walk to Work Day sand installation, while walking workers will be rewarded with free fresh fruit, walking gear and shoe fittings by Rockport.
The ACT Heart Foundation is also using the day to launch its CANWalk walking portal which lets Canberrans connect for social walking activities, and mascot Happy Heart will be on hand to get everyone in the mood.

You are invited to send a journalist, photographer or camera to see:

WHAT:           Walk to Work Day in the capital

WHERE:          9.30am, Government House for Governor-General’s walk to work
                       1.00pm, Garema Place for Walk to Work sand installation and activities
For more information, interviews or images places contact Jenni Rayner p: 6162 0021
m: 0407 914 174 e: