Scruby’s swipe at Manly

THE MANLY DAILY - Tuesday 9 May 2000


MANLY Council was turning a blind eye to motorists including former mayor Sue Sacker - who parked across driveways an nature strips, pedestrian rights campaigner Harold Scruby has said.

Mr Scruby, Pedestrian Council of NSW chairman said road rules introduced last year meant it was illegal to park on a grass verge or a footpath, even if it was in front of your own house.

General manager Wayne Collins said if the council enforced the law to the extent to which Mr Scruby wanted, the community would be outraged.

‘‘Strictly speaking, people could probably get booked for parking in their own driveways because they are partly on grass verges, he said.

“Our answer to Mr Scruby is that the council will continue to enforce numerous laws in accord­ance with various resources and using a degree of common sense.”

Mr Collins said Mr Scruby’s habit of taking photographs of parked cars in his street on weekends was reaching the point of intimidation.

“We don’t agree with people blocking footpaths - but we don’t believe in blind enforcement,” he said.

Mr Scruby said while Pittwater was excellent in monitoring motorists who blocked pedestrian access. Manly was lax, he said.

If you were in North Sydney and you com­plained about an illegally parked car there would be a ranger within the hour, but in Manly you would not get one, ever.

“You get a trilogy of excuses: resources, dis­cretion and priorities.’’

Mr Scruby said there was little hope of staff enforcing the law when people in the general manager’s street were parking illegally, and when councillor Sue Sacker parked across her footpath “There is an unwritten rule in Manly not to enforce the law,” he said.

Ms Sacker responded she always made sure there was plenty of room for pedestrians to pass.

“Mr Scruby has a point, but his approach is com­pletely out of proportion to the issue,” she said.

“The community as a whole has a problem with too many cars. There has to be discretion on the issue.”