
Dr Ray Shuey AM, APM (Chairman)

2022 Member of the Order of Australia, 2020 Senior Victorian Australian of the Year. Road Safety Champion, International Road Safety Specialist and former Ag Deputy Commissioner, Victoria Police. PhD Doctorate in International Road Safety. President International Safety Foundation, Inc. Australian Police Medal, Cambodian Royal Order of Sahametrei 2015 & 2018. Fellow of the Institute of Public Administration, Australia; Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management; Associate Fellow Australasian College of Road Safety; Member Australian Institute of Company Directors. Research publications include: The International Road Policing Assessment Program (IRPAP), AAA Approach to Crash Investigation Reform and Adopting A Safe Systems Approach to determining speed limits.

Directors ID: 036 31917 12666 80
Rat Shuey

Associate Professor Dr. Susan Liew (Deputy Chair)

I am an orthopaedic surgeon and work at The Alfred and the Royal Childrens Hospital, both Level 1 trauma centres in Melbourne. One of my main clinical areas is in spine trauma. I’m also a member of the Victorian Trauma committee with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Through these roles I see the personal and societal consequences of road trauma and can see there is so much that needs to be done in all the areas of awareness, education, prevention, and recovery. Most of all, however, I see this through the lens of a mother of four young adults. Please support our work at Pedestrian Council of Australia

Directors ID: 036 44656 54239 33
Dr Susan Liew

Martanki Matthew BCom, Financial and Management Accounting. (Secretary)

Chartered accountant with over 10 years’ experience in advisory roles of companies and not for profit entities in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Registered Company Auditor, Certified Government & Risk Management. Possesses a detailed knowledge of Australian Accounting and Audit Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards, and expertise in providing advice and guidance on financial statement presentation and reviewing business process for further improvements. A strong focus on pedestrian welfare and safety.

Directors ID: 036 01695 84987 67
Nartanki Matthew

Harold Scruby (CEO) (Founder and Spokesperson for PCA)

Harold Scruby was elected as a councillor to Mosman Council in 1983 and again in 1987. He was Deputy Mayor in 1990-1991, Chairman of the Traffic Committee for 5 years and Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee for 6 years. The PCA was incorporated on 1st August 1996, primarily comprising vulnerable road users and experts in Road Safety including representatives from the Council on the Ageing, Federation of Parents and Citizens Association, Vision Australian ParaQuad and ACROD and the Australian Institute of Urban Studies and the Royal Australian College of Surgeons. Member of the former National Road Safety Strategy Panel (Australian Transport Safety Bureau) for 3 years. Member of the Road Trauma Committee (Royal Australasian College of Surgeons). Member of the Australasian College of Road Safety (Formerly on National Executive Committee). Member of TfNSW (NSW) Road Safety Advisory Committee. National spokesperson.

Directors ID: 036 44841 86262 32
Harold Scruby

Associate Professor, Brigadier (Ret’d) Rob Atkinson AM RFD

Orthopedic Surgeon MBBS (Adelaide) DCH (London) MA (Deakin) FRACS (Orth). Clinical Associate Professor University of Adelaide Fellow of the Australian Medical Association. Immediate Past Representative Colonel Commandant Royal Australian Army Medical Corps. Patron of the Royal Australian Medical Corps Association in South Australia. Graduated in 1970 and held 3 Commands viz. 3 Field Ambulance, 3 Forward General Hospital, and Director Medical Service SA and saw Active Military Service in Vietnam, Gulf War 1, Rwanda, Bougainville, and East Timor 4 times. Civilian Service following the Tsunamis in Banda Aceh and Samoa. 9 years on the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) Council and continued in Public and Private practice, gradually becoming passed his "used by date”!

Ex Head of Service Modbury Public Teaching Hospital.

Current: Immediate Past President Defence Reserves Association SA
Immediate Past Vice President Royal United Services Institute National
On the National Board of RUSI. On Committees in Road Safety Advocacy for RACS, AMA.

Directors ID: 036 07212 53655 95
Brigadier Rob Atkinson

Professor Raphael Grzebieta.

Dr. Raphael Grzebieta is Professor Emeritus in road safety at the Transport and Road Safety (TARS) Research Centre within the School of Aviation at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Monash University’s Department of Forensic Medicine located at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, in forensic engineering, vehicle and road infrastructure crashworthiness, crash reconstruction, injury biomechanics and road safety. He is currently Co Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Road Safety ( as well as Editor-in-Chief of the journal ‘Safety’ ( He has 30 years of research and professional experience as well as around 350 research publications, supervised numerous PhD graduates and received several national and international major research grants and life time achievement awards mainly in road safety. Research teams he has led or been involved with have carried out numerous laboratory and field tests on road vehicles, road safety barriers, vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclist and motorcyclists) and more recently off-road quad bikes and Side by Side (SSV) vehicles. He regularly provides expert witness reports and court evidence for Coroners, Police, Public Prosecutors, Work Regulators, CTP Insurers and legal firms

Directors ID: 036 17019 97645 38

Sarah Larwill

Sarah Larwill is a proven leader with over 20 years of management experience, with an emphasis on consistently delivering high-quality, cost-effective services within the Public Health System. Sarah has many years of nursing experience, having worked as a registered nurse and in leadership roles within St Vincent’s Cardiac Services before moving into the clinical safety sphere. In 2011, Sarah was appointed as Risk Manager, Alfred Health and was responsible for coordinating strategies to develop a culture of safety and to maximize reporting of risks, incidents and near misses across the entire organisation.

Since 2016, Sarah has taken on the role of Director of Operations, Surgical Services – Alfred Health and has operational responsibility for the effective delivery of services for the Surgical Services Program. In partnership with the Clinical Program Director, Sarah coordinates and manages the program’s activities to ensure that the program consistently delivers high-quality, cost-effective services for its patients.

Directors ID: 036 368047 1058 68
Sarah Larwill

Dr Sudhakar Rao Voola

Mr Sudhakar Rao is a surgeon with special interest in hepatobiliary- pancreatic surgery and trauma surgery.

He qualified as a surgeon in Australia in 1993 and obtained further training in Boston, USA before returning to Royal Perth Hospital.

He was the Director of Trauma at the State Major Trauma Centre at Royal Perth Hospital for 25 years.

At a state level, he was the inaugural State Director of Trauma for 20 years and is involved in other trauma and injury activities.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and contributes to the following committees for the College:

  • College of Surgeons (WA) Trauma Subcommittee
  • RACS Road Trauma Committee
  • RACS AusTQuIP Steering Committee



  • 2005 Injury Control Council of Western Australia Award for Injury Prevention
  • 2005 Government of NSW Award for Meritorious Service
  • 2011 Outstanding Achievement award – Road Safety Council
  • 2023 RAC added to "Walk of fame”


Directors ID: 036 31421 14862 80


John Crozier AM CSM FRACS, is a vascular and trauma surgeon, on staff of Liverpool Hospital, South West Sydney. He Chaired the binational Trauma Committee of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons from 2014 to 2023. He co-chaired an inquiry into the Australian National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020. He serves an executive role in the Australasian College of Road Safety. He is a strong advocate for active mobility and pedestrian safety.


John A Crozier

Frank Brun

Frank Brun has over 20 years-experience in Management Consulting which has included Accounting, Audit, Legal Practice, Investment Banking, Technology Consulting, and Software Design. He has worked with Deloitte (Australia), Ernst & Young LLP (USA), the UK Ministry of Defence and Australian Defence Department, amongst other high profile organisations. He has worked on public liability matters across a vast range of industries and sat on several committees for law reform concerning public safety.

Frank has bachelor's degrees and honours degrees in business and law respectively, and a master's in law. He has been a sessional lecturer in areas of taxation, commercial and constitutional law, in addition to being an indigenous academic for UWS, UTS and CQU.


Frank Brun


Dame Quentin Alice Louise Bryce, AD, CVO
Dame Quentin is an Australian academic who served as the 25th Governor-General of Australia from 2008 to 2014 and the 24th Governor of Queensland from 2003 to 2008.

Honorary Solicitors:

Bartier Perry Pty Ltd
Level 25
161 Castlereagh Street

Name of the company

The name of the company is Pedestrian Council of Australia Limited (the company) a company limited by guarantee.

Historical context

The company was established to further the objects set out under its Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association dated 2 August 1996 and is now registered under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission as a not-for-profit company (ACNC) ABN 18075106286. On 12 December 2022, the Board adopted a new Constitution to which there was an amendment added on 6 April 2023.


The company was registered in New South Wales on the 2 August 1996 and operates in all States and Territories in Australia.


The company’s object is to promote the prevention or the control of diseases in human beings (including but not limited to heart disease, obesity, and mental health) across Australia, by:

  1. advancing the health, safety and security of individuals in Australia, including through:
    1. the promotion of walking as a vital mode for pedestrian well-being and a healthy social activity
    2. providing information and resources on pedestrian wellbeing and safety
    3. advocating pedestrian health, safety and amenity in all urban, town, and transport planning
    4. engaging and collaborating with stakeholders and other road safety organisations in activities for preventing mental illness, injury, death and disability from road crashes and incidents involving pedestrians
    5. facilitating and funding organised activities and events in relation to the objects of the company.

A Pedestrian is defined as any person wishing to travel by foot or wheelchair throughout the community.

Membership of the Pedestrian Council of Australia Limited is by invitation of the Board of Directors to individuals having interests or concerns of like nature to those of the PCA.