The Daily Telegraph – Wednesday 27 October 2004

Councils want CBD drivers to pay


LOCAL councils yesterday backed the controversial concept of a new London-style congestion tax to apply to cars entering Sydney's CBD.

Delegates at the Local Government Association conference in Armidale yesterday backed the levy, which has been implemented in London to reduce congestion.

Hundreds of delegates from major metropolitan and regional councils voted that “this conference urges the Minister for Transport to investigate as a matter of urgency a congestion levy for Sydney CBD.”

As well, it voted that a decision on the M4 East tunnel extension be postponed, until there was a “more strategic and sustainable blueprint and long-term strategy for public transport in Sydney.” Association president Genia McCaffery said Sydney needed to face the problem of traffic and congestion in the CBD.
She said people were still driving to the CBD, which was creating momentum for governments to investigate tunnels such as the M4 East.

“I know the London congestion toll was unpopular originally but it now seems to be working well,” she said.


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